Tiny Home Talk with Kandace Rogers
Once you need less, you will have more.
Hello all you lovely humans!
Something that I'm a low-key nerd about is living in tiny homes. Where my tiny home nerds at?! Soooo, I found a tiny home dweller to talk more about it and feed my "little" obsession haha. But first, there are so many reasons to be tempted into living in a smaller-than-average home:
The simplification and the stripping away of what isn't necessary. It's crazy how much our society perpetuates the thought that MORE is more.
The creativity of using spaces in the most functionally effective ways possible. So much space goes unused in the average home!
The challenge it presents to the home owners to really get comfortable with being close and to figure out together how to navigate through tight quarters rather than retreat and ignore each other.
Plus I just love tiny homes haha... so there's that.
Anyway, I won't make you wait any longer to meet this bright beam of light that I interviewed. Meet Kandace... aka. minimalist gangsta and holistic health coach extraordinaire! I've known Kandace as an acquaintance for about 5 years now and have watched her journey of incredible transformation from afar. When I first got the idea to do interviews for the Life Remade blog based on people who have had the courage to step into unknown territory and do what it takes to change their lives, Kandace was the first person I thought of.
She doesn't know this, but I am constantly showing people how incredible she is by sharing her Instagram account haha. (Secretly rooting for you always girl!!) The coolest thing about her isn't just that she's an inspiration for health and minimalism, but that she is so tender and open about her personal struggles. She shines brightest in my opinion by the day-in and day-out commitment she makes to move past her obstacles. She is relentlessly accepting herself and pushing herself at the same time. It's so cool to witness (even just from the little screen on my phone haha).
So, here's my talk with Kandace about how she shed the need to meet the status quo, moved into a tiny home with her husband and 2 dogs, and is the happiest she's ever been in her life.
Me: How long have you been living in a tiny home now?
Kandace: Since April of 2015.
Me: What’s the biggest things you’ve learned about yourself from tiny home living?
I don't need material things to be HAPPY - I prefer less stuff - = less stress and life clutter... to accomplish more and thrive in creative vibes.
Me: How has this changed your life?
Kandace: It's really simplified living and brought my attention to more important focuses like my thoughts, mental health and relationship. I'm not so consumed with the constant need of feeling like I've got to move around a bunch of stuff every day from one place to another.
Me: What is the thing you miss most about a "big" home?
Kandace: Unlimited hot water in showers, taking baths, having my own full sized laundry capability, a full sized fridge.
Me: What would you do differently if you started living in a "big" house again?
Kandace: I would focus on having a focal point as decor like a big ass piece of ART, a ginormous couch, big dining table and open spacious kitchen, but not have a lot of "stuff," and everything has its place. I would definitely keep it as a home base, but always still travel. I don't like the idea of being "tied down" and also the thought of living in a house seems way too expensive with maintenance and upkeep. I also refuse to do crazy cleaning in a big house and yard work so I'd have to hire someone to do that.
"...I don't like the idea of being "tied down"..."
Me: What would you change about your current tiny home, and what would stay the same?
Kandace: I wish we had MORE SLIDES. More slide outs = more room! We are also looking to get a couch that reclines versus our love seat, it's hard to have a relax space haha, but its important!
I would still get rid of all my crap I didn't need and kept lugging around with me.
Me: How has this affected your relationship in any way?
Kandace: First of all, building my coaching business and my mindset was key in order to be able to pursue something like this. We were gonna rent a home in the Bay Area, but couldn't afford the crazy 3k/month rent! Plus we didn't like the idea of not owning it and blowing our money on somebody else's mortgage while they reaped the benefits. My husband threw the idea of an RV out there since we'd always wanted one for our dirt bikes and to travel... so we started looking around for what specifics we would NEED as far as size, space, slides etc. If it wasn't for my remote coaching career, I wouldn't have ever even considered that lifestyle.
"Our bills have decreased, our connection to each other increased."
My marriage wasn't really good when we first started, but relationships are always a work in progress... For awhile we didn't know how we could even live together! I couldn't find a job in the town that he wanted me to move to so we saw each other very little. It seemed like all avenues were a dead end... until we started pursing the tiny homes. By having less, we are able to do more. I actually feel anxiety for people who have houses filled with stuff. Our bills have decreased, our connection to each other increased. The tiny home life definitely brought to surface everything because you can't hide anything! You figure yourself out real fast and the person you're with. HAHA
So... would you ever consider living in a tiny home?? What could you do without that would make your life more full by letting it go? I hope you enjoyed this interview! If you have a Life Remade story that you'd like to share with me, send me an email and let's chat!
BIG (and tiny) love to you all,